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AAT ICAS 3111 ✧ centuryStar term set

document note: this document is part of the Integrated Chronological Applications System (ICAS). Alliance for the Advancement of Technology (AAT) provides ICAS standards documents subject to terms of use described in document AAT ICAS 9010. please refer to other key AAT ICAS standards documents accessible via the AAT ICAS web site at for important information about ICAS.

this document designates the AAT ICAS centuryStar term set.

table 3111.1 ✧ aaticas namespace of centuryStar

aaticas namespaceelement set
<aaticas:developer>AAT ICAS
<aaticas:metaCat>uniform century set

table 3111.2 ✧ AAT ICAS centuryStar term set

century 11900–11999hium11900ZavijavaZavijava119
century 12000–12099hium12000BootesBootes120

top document updated:

system identifiersdatetime
Uniform CalendarUCUCN 12019 S19 Yellow
Inter-Dial ClockIDCzone(UT)t339 tt050
'ICAS in use' can accommodate calendar and clock formatting 'for all people, for all time'.
day of yearD-o-YAD common year day139
Gregorian calendarGG2019 May 19 Sunday
seconds, minutes, hoursSMHUT08:08:14
style legend


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