AAT ICAS Itinica
the most recent date of version activity is:
AAT ICAS version 8.02 Basilicum as of UCN 12019 U08 White
- AAT ICAS index of standards documents (Basilicum 8.02)
- aatideas.org web calendars (freeware, organizerUC, dstampUC, CHARTdateEPOCH)
- aatideas.org web clock (applets version 0.03)
- aatideas.org metric resources (12010 metrication month update)
- overview of ICAS now (open source resources framework)
- AAT ICAS code library (foldatimeICAS 1.05 and clipboardICAS 1.09 updates)
- ICAS development (reviews of ICAS Basilicum, ICAS now)
ICAS_now software update!
clipboardICAS generates a date and time stamp selected by the user. foldatimeICAS generates a folder and file named with designated identifier, date, and time strings.
use clipboardICAS and foldatimeICAS to organize workflows with ICAS (Integrated Chronological Applications System) formats for expressing dates and times. ICAS formatted expressions can be sorted once for both alphabetical and chronological order without additional data coordination. ICAS formatted expressions can also be truncated and expanded for designated formats.
read more about the current version in the AAT ICAS code library.
launch dialTiros Java applets
dialTiros Java applets | ||
ab90 | ab60 | ba90 |
aatideas.org document updated:
scale | value | ||
UCN | 12019 U08 White | ||
zone(UT) | t937 tt962 | ||
'ICAS in use' can accommodate calendar and clock formatting 'for all people, for all time'. | |||
AD common year day | 188 | ||
G | 2019 July 07 Sunday | ||
UT | 23:30:40 | ||
style legend |
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