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AAT meeting information

Alliance for the Advancement of Technology may arrange a general meeting at a time and place to be announced.

topics of discussion may include the filling of Charter positions, AAT activities and services, and any other matter relating to AAT. attendees can also sign up for membership or ICAS licensing or ask questions about AAT.

AAT is also considering development of programmatic meetings.

top document updated:

system identifiersdatetime
Uniform CalendarUCUCN 12019 R05 Yellow
Inter-Dial ClockIDCzone(UT)t312 tt627
'ICAS in use' can accommodate calendar and clock formatting 'for all people, for all time'.
day of yearD-o-YAD common year day095
Gregorian calendarGG2019 April 05 Friday
seconds, minutes, hoursSMHUT07:30:11
style legend


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