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contact AAT

contact AAT

this document describes methods for contacting AAT. please also refer to the terms of use, privacy policy, and code of e quality for additional information.


discussions or pages on third-party networks

say hello or share in a discussion by visiting, subscribing, posting, reposting, or liking AAT on these third-party networks:

AAT will try to respond to questions in a timely manner, however there might be delays.


correspondence for AAT

please reference an appropriate AAT department as specified below. if a response is needed, then be sure to include contact information such as e address, postal address, or phone number. responses are subject to normal processing time*. if you have not received a response after a period of normal processing time, then please try again.

Alliance for the Advancement of Technology may also be referred to as AAT at , , aatideas , or AAT .

AAT regrets that it cannot respond or act on requests for direct aid or relief that are not the subject of a specific AAT program project or initiative.

AAT programs are developed by AAT using English language guidelines in accordance with AAT ICAS 3005 note on language support. AAT may be unable to respond to correspondence provided in languages other than English. additional language support including support for other languages depends on membership demand and interest. AAT however is tracking demand for additional language support.

AAT may or may not respond to solicitations for goods, services, or information such as promotions or surveys. correspondence that does not conform with the code of e quality may at the discretion of AAT be forwarded to designated network security or law-enforcement personnel.


contact via Internet

contact Alliance for the Advancement of Technology (AAT) via the web at or by e address per the table below. please be advised that e communications that do not conform with the aatideas code of e quality, or that might be removed by a junk filter, will probably not be read.

interested parties are further advised that unsolicited bulk messages may be held to higher standards of acceptance.

to discourage junk e mail, the e addresses below are displayed without the "@" mailbox address character, without the domain "aatideas", and without the top-level-domain "org".

department e address areas of operation
AAT exploreprogress general administration of AAT and aatideas programs, recruitment of staff and volunteers, processing of memberships and contributions
Web web public relations, web site administration, editorial development of aatideas programs
ICAS icas administration and development of AAT Integrated Chronological Applications System (ICAS), ICAS licensing requests
Request request requests for copyright permission, requests for AAT communication reprints, processing of media or public information requests.
Payment methods of payment to AAT. PayPal is an authorized on-line credit card payment processor for AAT.
Privacy privacy inquiries about data maintained by AAT that is subject to the AAT privacy policy and or applicable law. requests to opt out of a particular consent for private and personal information.
Feedback feedback AAT is always looking for ways to improve.

AAT may require that certain types of correspondence be submitted via post.

AAT takes matters of e quality seriously. evidence of criminal or other abuse of network or other systems may be forwarded to designated network security or law enforcement personnel.


contact via post

upon request, AAT can provide interested parties with a postal address that can be used to contact AAT.


*normal processing time

normal processing time for correspondence is usually within 14 days after receipt for e communication, or within 30 days after receipt of post correspondence; yet may take longer due to programs demands, or due to circumstances beyond the control of AAT. processing time for correspondence received during the Uniform Calendar months M or Z cannot be guaranteed to be processed before the start of the next calendar year, and may not be completed until the middle or end of the following month.

payments are subject to acceptance by AAT per normal processing time for payments.

top document updated:

system identifiersdatetime
Uniform CalendarUCUCN 12019 R05 Yellow
Inter-Dial ClockIDCzone(UT)t312 tt627
'ICAS in use' can accommodate calendar and clock formatting 'for all people, for all time'.
day of yearD-o-YAD common year day095
Gregorian calendarGG2019 April 05 Friday
seconds, minutes, hoursSMHUT07:30:11
style legend


contents of this web site copyright © 2019 UCA and prior, Alliance for the Advancement of Technology.
mission, terms of use, privacy, e quality guarantee, search, contact AAT.
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