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Lake Superior view from Brockway Mountain

advance technology awareness, promote STEM education

be a part of AAT advancing technology awareness, and of promoting STEM education ! help AAT develop and serve educational programs to schools, museums, and more by making a small donation . your donation can also help AAT to receive matching donations. make a small donation today or soon !


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this is AAT's first fundraising initiative since registering as an IRS 501 (c)(3) public charity, and since registering with the California Registry of Charitable Trusts. all proceeds will be used to help the IRS registered 501 (c)(3) public charity and California nonprofit to develop and to provide quality educational programs.

this AAT fundraising initiative 2018 will be active through 2018 December 31.


contents of this web site copyright © 2019 UCA and prior, Alliance for the Advancement of Technology.
mission, terms of use, privacy, e quality guarantee, search, contact AAT.

aatideas.org web page updated:
UCN 12019 N04 Green ✦ day 004 ✦ IDC zone(UT) t317 tt094
2019 day 004 ✦ t317
AD 2019 January 04 Friday ✦ SMH UT 07:36:37
