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defining proper data formats

defining proper data formats

proper data formats were described in the retrospective notes on the formatting of calendar dates and clock times for the year 2020. for now here is a Metrication Month 2021 poster about defining proper data formats . review of a forthcoming revision of AAT ICAS remains in process .

Metrication Month 2021 poster , defining proper data formats

1 page, formatted for A4 letter.
37.206 KB;
36.333984 KiB ≈ 37206 B
Metrication Month 2021 poster


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UCN 2021 Z14 Red ✦ day 314 ✦ IDC zone(UT) t170 tt833
2021 day 314 ✦ t170
AD 2021 November 10 Wednesday ✦ SMH UT 04:36:00
