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happy new year e1

New Year's Eve in 5 characters

with AAT ICAS proper data formats , New Year's Eve is represented in five characters as e0M36 . the following New Year's Day is likewise represented as e1N01 . the echinopla ant is in the final stretch of 2020 , with nine more orbits around the sun before the next decade . ( AAT ICAS 3110 https://www.aatideas.org/icas/3110.xht )

for more information about proper data formats , please refer to AAT ICAS retrospect of Y2K for year 2020 .

best wishes for a healthy and safe 2021 (e1) from Alliance for the Advancement of Technology (AAT) !


25 years of advancing technology awareness !

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please bear with AAT while reviews of a few important projects remain in process .


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2020 day 366 ✦ t250
AD 2020 December 31 Thursday ✦ SMH UT 06:00:00
